Cash Withdrawal is recording the transactions of payment for expenses and etc.
Field | Type | Description | Example 1 | Example 2 |
Doc Date | Date | Document Date | 01/01/2021 | 25/01/2021 |
Ref Num | Alphanumeric | Reference Number | PV2021-098 | PV2021-055 |
Chq Num | Alphanumeric | Cheque Number | PBB 112233 | MBB 234234 |
Cash Book | Lookup | Source Of Withdrawal | PBB | MBB |
Description | Multi-line Text | Description The Cash Withdrawal | Petrol and TNB Bills | Salary 36 Foreign Workers RM48,200.00/3 Marketer RM9,000.00/Car Installment JCC 8822 RM1,303.00 & Petty Cash RM2,000.00 |
Amt | Decimal | Amount | 630.50 | 60,503.00 |